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Calculator on Web-backend (Odoo)

Simplify your Calculations
December 27, 2016 by
Calculator on Web-backend (Odoo)
Turkesh Patel
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Calculator on Odoo Web-backend.

When we are doing daily routin work on odoo many times we need to use calculator for some calculations. In such cases we need to find caculator on our system.
Here We have developed easy way to use calculator on odoo backend by integrating Calender on web. Just install module and enjoy functionality no extra configurations are required.


Calculator Integration

Normally when we use ERP system we do not need calculator for normal calculations. But we have seen many use cases when we need calculator for exceptional calculations. Like when any sales person is woking on any lead or prospect in multi currency he will need to convert some amount to the clien currency. There can be many other usecases.
Now a days we are habited to use calculator for silly calculatins also like we know 25*5= 125 but still we will go for calculator instead of using brain. So to avoid changing screen time and improve your responce time to cline tyou can use this module.

For customization & help ContactUS or  get this module From Odoo App Store.

Calculator on Web-backend (Odoo)
Turkesh Patel December 27, 2016
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