List of Modules with various features

Core module to manage information about your hospital, Hospital departments, Patients, Nurse and Doctors.

Appointment & Prescription
Patient Appointment management so you can complete your patinet visit in min time with having total details of past visits.

Operation Theatre Booking
Easly manage your Operation Theater planning in advance for maximum utilization and avoid conflicts.

Patient Hospitalization procedures like pre hospitalization checklist, careplan, Surgery.

Careplan management for hospitalized patient which can be done by Nursing staff.

Direct access of indore and outdore patient prescription to your pharmacy. Barcode integration for medicines.

Manage laboratory investigation requiests and their outcomes in system.

Facility Management
Cleanliness is hart of Hospital So manage your facility shedules and procedures more efficiently.

Patient Porrtal
Patient can have access to all their details and they can book and pay for appointment online.

Webcam & Barcode Integration
Set your patient images directly using webcam. Uniqe Barcode to avoid any name conflicts.

Vaccination management by having total history and advance reminder for your shcedules.

SMS Notification & Reminder
Sent automaic messages on appoinemnt and hospitalization. Advance notification for appointment.

Special flow for gynecologist to mange their required details and reports.

Paediatric flow to manage track of baby weight, activity, responces, medicines, vaccination.

Manage Patient's all exrays. Fitness reports and their exercise details.

Special module for Urology related flow and information management.

Manage your Consultation, Admission, Surgery and Hospitalization billing.

Medical Representative
Medical Represntative details, their visit appointments schedules and appointment history.

Indian Localization
Special Indian localization to have Preloaded states and city of india. Reports following IRDA Rules.

Certification Management to allocate certificates to your patient on requiest.
Fully integrated with other Odoo Apps

Manage your employee recruitment, documents, leave, apprisal and payroll.

Website Builder
Create beautiful online quotations in a few clicks by dragging and dropping pre-made, fully custom-izable building blocks.

Synchronize your stocks levels based on your purchases and create automatic replenishment rules to avoid stockouts.

Turn quotes into professional-looking invoices in one click.