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Scan or Select product to get stock and other variant information

In default odoo we can get total product information but we need to do few clicks but if there is customer rush on store and at same time you want to check product stock availability it can be time consuming.
Using this module you can quickly scan product barcode and get product details from single screen.


Scan Product Barcode or Select Product manullay.
Once you scan product you will get product, scanned product name in message, Product qty by location and Other product Variants of scanned product.
Take decision based on data.
If you want more details you can open product form directly from here and get it.
If everything is done you can scan or search next product.
This can be very helpful when you have lots of product locations and you want to deal with customer.

Other Configuration

To use this module no technical knowledge is required even no configuration is needed. Just install module and functionality is ready to use. For more customization and help contactus.

Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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