Revise Product or Product Version Management in Odoo

Manage Latest Product Versions in Odoo
March 17, 2017 by
Revise Product or Product Version Management in Odoo
Turkesh Patel
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Product Version Information

In Normal cases we need to manage different versions of same product. To handle such cases we add new products in odoo which is perfect way to manage but in that we can not get which product is latest and which one is older version. To handle this scenario we have added this module where you can set previous version of product.


Product Form View

We have added one nwe field and new tab as show in above image to manage version related informations properly

Why to Mange Version information

In normal scenario all big market players release new product on regular intervals now if you resale multiple produtcs it is hard to remember evrything So to mange everything properly it is required to manage version related informations.

On Product and Product temaplate both views previous version and latest version information can be Managed

For customization & help ContactUS or  get this module From Odoo App Store.

Revise Product or Product Version Management in Odoo
Turkesh Patel March 17, 2017
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