Project Change Request Management
In default odoo there is no option to manage Customer Change requests on project and tasks, So to manage that procedure we have added this module. Customer requested changes can be recorded in system and task can be created for that.
☑ New Change Request Menu.
☑ Change Request List, Search, Form, Calendar and Pivot Views.
☑ In List View State based colors.
☑ Chnage Request approval flow.
☑ Uniqe Sequence nofor each Change Request.
☑ Option to link Project and task. If there is no task linked on single click new task can be created.
☑ Change request creation mail notification.
☑ Chnage request Report.
☑ User Role and access rules.
1. Chnage request form view.
2. Chnage request access button on the project from.
1. Chnage request creation mail notification to the customer.
2. Chnage request report print.
Project Change Request Management Portal.
Allow customers to check their change request status in portal view directly
Other configurations in Odoo
No extra technical knowledge or configurations requireired. Just install the module and enjoy functionality.
Project Change Request Management in Odoo