Visit Management in Odoo
In default odoo there is no way to track visits done by employees or sales persons to customers. So here using this module you can Manage Your customer visits done by employees. Here Visits are linked with Sale, Project and Tasks so based on your requirements you can Link related records.
Once you have data realted to visits in system in many cases we need to invoice those visits directly to related clients. Using this module you can invoice visits.
Visit Management
Based on your requrements you can use this module.
All your sales persons vists to client and project related vissts can be enterd here.
Access management: You can allow access of visits to selected users by allowing user and manager level access. Users will be able to see own visits only.
Users can enter related iformation by setting proper sale, project and task information. For more clerification we have added calendar and pivot views also.
Once you have vists in system you can invoice them to clients. Single invoice can be created per client or project using proper options in
Created invoice with proper details as shown in image. New option in Accessrigh management for giving access.
Other configurations in Odoo
No extra technical knowledge or configurations requireired. Just install the module and enjoy functionality.
Customer Site Visits in odoo