Countdown Widget for Website (odoo)

Generic Widget for website
December 20, 2016 by
Countdown Widget for Website (odoo)
Turkesh Patel
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Show countdown on your website pages

Show countdown on your website for upcoming products or sale.

Mostly in Ecommerce websites we need to show count down for upcoming sale or products to attarct more and more customers.

In odoo you can now show countdown easily by applying Wiedget on field only. Nothing else you have to do. It will show very sexy and attractive countdown automatically.

For customization & help ContactUS or  get this module From Odoo App Store.

This also countdown widget for website bit with different look.

You can use this countdown also on your websites with no cost. just insatll module and follow instaructions given on the module.

Some examples for use of countdown widget.

To show that this product will be availabe after give time.

For customization & help ContactUS or  get this module From Odoo App Store.

Countdown Widget for Website (odoo)
Turkesh Patel December 20, 2016
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