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Create Stock Moves With Invoice And Refunds

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Update Stock Automatically when validate Invoice And Refunds.
Normally we need to create Stock move when we create invoice in odoo but default odoo does not provide such functionality. In major Cases of refund we need to update stock (By Stock Moves) also but in odoo we need to create reverse of piking to update stock when we create refund. It can save your time if stock moves get created automatically with invoice and refund. To make that use-cases simple we have added this module to make work fast and simple.

Functionality Will be available for following Orders
1> Customer Invoice.
2> Vendor Bill
3> Customer Invoice Refund.
4> Vendor Bill Refund
New in Odoo14: User can select warehouse and picking type manually in case it is needed.

NOTE: In case of Lot used on product it will try to assign available product lots and complete picking else it will be in ready/waiting state only. Picking will be not finished. If proper stock is here it will finish stock picking.

Other Configuration

To use this module no technical knowledge is required even no configuration is needed. Just install module and functionality is ready to use.

For more customization and help contact us.

Almighty Consulting Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

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