Birthday Notification for your Customer, Supplier, Employee & Users (Odoo)
A birthday is an occasion when a person or institution celebrates the anniversary of their birth. Birthdays are celebrated in numerous cultures, often with a gift, party, or rite of passage. Normally in our personal life we wish birthday to our friends/relative but in business also birthday wish is most valuable. Most of the businessmen like to wish birthday to their clients. Odoo by default not provide any functionality to store birthday also. Here we provide functionality to save birthdate of your contacts and send automated mail from odoo.Birthday Wishes Channel
Interested persons can get all birthday notifications by joining this Channel.
If any company want to call also to their special customers than they can do call based on notifications.
Birthday Wish & Notifications & Reminder Functionality in Odoo
You do not need any technical knowledge to use this functionality. But if you want to use all functioanlity follow below steps.1> Add birthdate on your contacts.
2> Do changes on mail teplate if you want to make it more attractive. (Default Template is already there so if you dont want changes ignore this step)
3> Ask some one to follow Birthday Channel and based on notification call related person personally.
Birthday Wish & Notifications & Reminder (Odoo)